Turn Off Music


This is my FURSONA.
His name is

He has gone through a few different iterations. You can click the arrows to scroll through them.

YAMS is actually a yeen. "Yeen" in the furry community is the term for a Hyena! Sometimes I draw him with his eyes being shown, and sometimes his eyes are covered by his massive floofy hair. His hair is symbolic of how my hair used to look through college, and if I let it grow back out it would continue to look.. lmao.

I've gone by many different pseudonyms over the years:

littleolcatballs 2012 ~ 2020
yumyumyeen 2020 ~ 2023
ohgnoll 2023 ~

Are you looking for a way to contact me?

Your best option is my TWITTER honestly

Click this lil pup to go to my twitter :

If you would like to return home just click this little house!